Uninterrupted Operations: Reliable Snow Removal & Ice Control
GFM Commercial Snow Removal Services
If you have an urgent need, call us any time of day. Our snow removal crews are available at an hourly rate to respond to emergency calls. Contact us conveniently through our call center now at (347) 380-8787 so you don’t have to wait for our normal office hours to arrive
How Much Do Our Snow Services Cost?
It all depends on what kind of snow removal you need and how large the areas to be cleared are. Talk to our experts to find out which services and plans are best for your business. We’ve been providing snow removal services to businesses for over 25 years, so we know how to handle the harsh US winters.

With our expert service, affordable prices, and satisfaction guarantee, you can’t go wrong.
Flat Rate Price Plan
For a set monthly fee, our staff will come to your commercial property after each snowfall and clear the snow. This package is unlimited – we come every day if needed.
Snow Removal Rates
When it comes to deciding how much you want to charge for snow removal, the decision about what pricing is best rests solely on your shoulders. GFM can charge per inch, per push, or per visit! Each option has pros and cons that you should weigh to figure out what’s right for your business.
Weather Monitoring
Our team is constantly tracking weather activity to anticipate major snow events. We know how to prepare for any situation, from nighttime ice to sustained snowfall, and are here for you 24/7 when you need us.
Why Choose GFM for Snow Removal?
Our professional teams offer a variety of services to ensure your property is cleared of ice and snow, usually before 2:00 pm. We bring the right tools for the job every time to ensure maximum efficiency and minimum environmental impact.
Professionals Crew
All of our service providers are well-trained. We take great pride in our work and strive for the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Easy Ordering
You can order your services through the call center at any time of the day or week, which makes our services very accessible. This means that you can order tonight and we’ll visit you tomorrow. It’s that simple!